Happy New Year! It’s me, Stephanie, and I’m back. I didn’t really go anywhere (except offline), but there hasn’t been much to write about in the last year.
For those of you who are just tuning in, welcome. My name is Stephanie, and I’m an equestrian living just outside Tulsa, Oklahoma on a small farm with my three horses, six cats, dog, and spouse. I like to trail ride and foxhunt, and occasionally I compete in dressage and eventing.
I wrote here at Hand Gallop for many years, and stopped because I became busy, because I didn’t have much to write about, and because I just plain didn’t want to. Late last year, I accidentally deleted the entire site while trying to fix some backend settings. Because I live my life with no backups, I lost about a decade’s worth of content. It’s okay, though- I think of it as an opportunity to start anew!
A bit more about me, the three horses, six cats, dog, and spouse:
- I worked at a tack store for the better part of seven years, so if you have questions about breeches, bridles, girths, or grooming equipment, let me know!
- Two of my horses are retirees. It is my privilege to care for Moe (28) and Gina (26), two very good Thoroughbreds who worked hard for me for many years.
- My young horse Madigan (who will be 5 this year) and I are just beginning our show career together!
- The six cats live in the house, and I accept my role as a crazy cat lady. One of my neighbor’s barn cats has taken up residence in my barn and gets two cans of Fancy Feast from me every day, so I guess there are really seven cats.
- Buttons the dog is half corgi, half dachshund, old, missing a toe, and splits her time between sleeping and barking.
- To give you an idea of what kind of person my spouse is, he did not question whether or not I should buy yearling Madigan when we already had three horses; instead, he told me to ask if the seller took credit cards so we could get reward points for purchasing him. I am incredibly grateful to have such a supportive partner!
happy new year, Stephanie, i’m excited to see you writing again <3
happy new year!! I’m glad to be back! I’ve been keeping up with you and Charlie on your blog this whole time; now I’m just a participating member of blog society again instead of a creeper lol
welcome back!!! There is something nice about being able to start fresh but have all your old readers still linked up to your blog 🙂
thank you!! it is nice- I wasn’t sure if old readers would see updates since I really did inadvertently nuke the site but I’m glad they can!